CSC BCC Computer Exam Free Mock Test


CSC BCC Computer Exam Exam Free Online Mock Test

Test Instruction

Test Name: CSC BCC Exam
No of Questions: 10
Questions Language : ENG + HINDI
Allocated Time: No limit
Correct Answer Carries: 1 Marks
Wrong Answer Deduct: 0 Marks

1 / 10

1) Who is also known as the father of computers ?

2 / 10

2) The First Mechanical Computer was ______ ?

3 / 10

3) How many computer generations are discovered?

4 / 10

4) What was the name of First Computer?

5 / 10

5) What was the name of the first computer designed by Charles Babbage ?

6 / 10

6) Who is the father of computer science ?

7 / 10

7) The Term “Computer” is Derived From ?

8 / 10

8) A ______ is an electronic device that processes data and converts it into information ?

9 / 10

9) What is the full form of COMPUTER ?

10 / 10

10) When was the first electronic computer built ?

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