CSC BCC Computer Exam Premium Mock Test

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CSC BCC Computer Exam Premium Mock Test

Test Instruction

Test Name: CSC BCC Exam
No of Questions: 100
Questions Language : ENG + HINDI
Allocated Time: 120 Minutes
Correct Answer Carries: 1 Marks
Wrong Answer Deduct: 0 Marks

1 / 100

1) Any device connected to the OS is controlled by?

2 / 100

2) Which of the following operating system is available in free domain?

3 / 100

3) Which of the following company developed MS Office 2000 ?

4 / 100

4) What does PPP stand for ?

5 / 100

5) Which one is not an input device?

6 / 100

6) Properly arranged data is called ?

7 / 100

7) The system program used to translate assembly language directly into machine language is called?

8 / 100

8) What is the full form of EPROM ?

9 / 100

9) Which key are either used or in combination with other keys to perform certain actions?

10 / 100

10) Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in ?

11 / 100

11) What type of device is a digital camera?

12 / 100

12) Who was the first computer programmer in the history of computer?

13 / 100

13) What is the full form of P2P ?

14 / 100

14) What is the full form of LED ?

15 / 100

15) Which of the following are not PowerPoint views ?

16 / 100

16) Which field type will you select if you need to enter long text in that field?

17 / 100

17) The shortcut key to open File Explorer?

18 / 100

18) Keyboard is an example of ___________ ?

19 / 100

19) C is known as ____________ ?

20 / 100

20) Computers are free from tiresome and boardroom, we call it ?

21 / 100

21) Which of the following is also known as Read/Write memory?

22 / 100

22) Ctrl + T is used to ?

23 / 100

23) Taskbar is used for ________ ?

24 / 100

24) Which one of the following four words is odd ?

25 / 100

25) E-Commerce Stands for ____________________ ?

26 / 100

26) Which of the following device cannot be shared in network ?

27 / 100

27) Which of the following is not a type of MS Access database object?

28 / 100

28) What is the full form of ENIAC?

29 / 100

29) External devices like keyboard, printer and modem are called?

30 / 100

30) Which option is used to create a new blank document?

31 / 100

31) Who is the father of computer science ?

32 / 100

32) When was the first operating system developed?

33 / 100

33) Which of the following is not a section break option?

34 / 100

34) Which of the following is/are types of RAM?

35 / 100

35) Which of the following is not a function of OS?

36 / 100

36) What is the full form of www?

37 / 100

37) What is the full form of LLL ?

38 / 100

38) The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data is called?

39 / 100

39) Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers?

40 / 100

40) Which of the following is an output device?

41 / 100

41) Which is not an executable file?

42 / 100

42) In operating systems, which of the following is/are CPU scheduling algorithms?

43 / 100

43) Abuse messaging systems to send unsolicited is

44 / 100

44) 1 MB is equal to _______ ?

45 / 100

45) Which shortcut key is used to open the dialog box in MS Word ?

46 / 100

46) The shortcut key to open File Explorer ?

47 / 100

47) Joysticks typically have a button on that is used to select the option pointed by the cursor.

48 / 100

48) The processing speed of first generation computers was?

49 / 100

49) Which Hardware component can produce a hard copy?

50 / 100

50) What produces useful information out of data ?

51 / 100

51) What is the full form of CAN?

52 / 100

52) Which one of the following is applicable to all the computers?

53 / 100

53) Which of the following should be used when you want to add slides to an existing presentation?

54 / 100

54) The length of IPV6 is __________ ?

55 / 100

55) The basic architecture of computer was developed by?

56 / 100

56) Which computers are used in Banking, Railways and Airlines?

57 / 100

57) The storage which retains its data after power off is called?

58 / 100

58) ALU is a part of Memory?

59 / 100

59) The place where the computer stores programs and data is called ?

60 / 100

60) Modern Computers are reliable but they are not ?

61 / 100

61) One millisecond is equal to___________ ?

62 / 100

62) Multi-processor is used because

63 / 100

63) Which is considered a direct entry input device ?

64 / 100

64) Which of the following is the example of Input Device ?

65 / 100

65) An operating system is an interface which provides services to?

66 / 100

66) GIF Stands for?

67 / 100

67) VAN stands for

68 / 100

68) Which of the following is an MS-DOS external command?

69 / 100

69) Ctrl + C is used for _________ ?

70 / 100

70) What is the full form of CUI?

71 / 100

71) HDD stands for?

72 / 100

72) How can you set page border in Excel?

73 / 100

73) Which feature is used to check spelling of the text?

74 / 100

74) MIME stands for ___________ ?

75 / 100

75) Shortcut key to open replace command?

76 / 100

76) What does Telnet stand for?

77 / 100

77) The minimum number of rows and columns in an MS Word document is

78 / 100

78) How many keys are on a computer keyboard?

79 / 100

79) When you delete a file from a computer, where does it go?

80 / 100

80) In order to tell Excel that we are entering a formula in cell, we must begin with an operator such as?

81 / 100

81) The control unit of a digital computer is often called?

82 / 100

82) Superscript, Subscript, Outline, Emboss, Engrave are also known as -

83 / 100

83) By default, on which page the header or footer is printed?

84 / 100

84) Linux launched its operating system in the year_________ .

85 / 100

85) Which is used for playing games?

86 / 100

86) How is data transmitted in an analog computer?

87 / 100

87) Which language is used for Artificial Intelligence?

88 / 100

88) Which one of these stores more data than a DVD?

89 / 100

89) In MS Word, what is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on the formatting toolbar?

90 / 100

90) Adding your comment in a blog or forum is called ?

91 / 100

91) The central processing unit (CPU) consists of?

92 / 100

92) The First network is __________ ?

93 / 100

93) What is called a mistake in an algorithm that causes incorrect results?

94 / 100

94) Which of the following is correct?

95 / 100

95) Which of the following is a single-user operating system?

96 / 100

96) Which of the following tasks can a computer do ?

97 / 100

97) Which is not the function of Edit, Clear Command?

98 / 100

98) Which among the following is NOT a web browser?

99 / 100

99) What is the shortcut key to insert a new comment in a cell?

100 / 100

100) Unattended interactive information system such as Automatic Teller Machine or ATM called?

Your score is


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